Air-conditioning in warm and humid regions

Skyscrapers, hotels, schools, shopping centres, airports and train stations are ventilated with fresh air systems in the Middle East. The following values are taken as a basis for planning:
- Fresh air temperature 46.1°C
- Fresh air humidity 30% rh 19.1 g/kg
- Supply air temperature 21.0°C
- Supply air humidity 55% rh 8.7 g/kg

Key requirements
To achieve high efficiency, leakage from the wheels must be minimised (tip 4: leakage). A large amount of condensate forms in the cooling coil and this must be discharged. The sorption rotary heat exchanger must not transmit any odours.

Special features
To ensure the condensation rotary heat exchanger does not overheat the supply air, it must be possible to control its output. This is easy to achieve by changing the speed.

The double wheel system allows much smaller dimensions to be used for the mechanical generation of cold. The investment savings achieved as a result are generally higher than the additional costs incurred for heat recovery. In addition, the operating costs are lower, meaning that the system operates economically right from the outset.

Solutions from Hoval
Hoval supplies rotary heat exchangers (condensation and sorption rotary heat exchangers) for this application. As a pioneer in sorption rotary heat exchangers, Hoval has decades of practical experience and the application expertise required. What’s more, its involvement in international expert panels means it is always up to date with the latest developments.

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